Welcome! We are excited that you want to learn more about webPDF.
On this page we have gathered the most important steps for you to get started using webPDF.
But wait, just a moment! Before you get to the most important steps of webPDF, you should probably first learn a few general things about webPDF.
webPDF is the central and cross-platform PDF server for creating and processing PDF documents. As a business solution, webPDF provides its functions as SOAP and REST web services. Based on Windows or Linux, the server can be operated on-premise or in the (private) cloud. By deploying it as a container or virtual machine, webPDF can be easily integrated into the infrastructure.
Using a converter enables webPDF to convert various file formats to PDF format without having to install or use the original application. By using digital certificates and digital timestamps, PDF documents can be signed and certified, thus ensuring their originality and correctness. A variety of operations makes it possible to split, merge, modify, print, and export PDF documents. The use of standards such as PDF/A makes it possible to prepare PDF documents for archiving and to check existing PDF documents with a PDF/A validation process.
webPDF has been implemented as a Java based application server. Allowing every user and developer in your organization to access its services in the form of Java web services (SOAP or REST). You can access and use these web services in your own applications via the pre-defined API interface.
webPDF does not require any third-party products in order to process your PDF documents. webPDF is a turnkey out-of-the-box solution that can be used as a Windows service or Linux daemon.
Every application in your organization can access the web services (provided it can communicate with web services) and thus make use of the functionality provided.
You can also allow your users to access the server by using the provided portal or by integrating the service into an existing portal.
And now it's enough! Start with the most important steps to work with webPDF yourself and have fun!.
Your SoftVision Team
P.S: And if you get stuck, just contact our support.